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The application NCFile Explorer is a product developed by NC to manage documents. This software system allows to manage documents by adding the typical functions of a Database, such as grouping useful information for the management of the same documents and for tracking documents in the future.


Make your program management easier !

This application is an EDM (Engineering Data Management), aimed at simplifying and optimising the management of TOOL2000 and/or machine programs on the PC. Unlike other products, it does without a database to store information; instead it uses the feature of Windows NTFS file system to store customisable information related to a document. The information is therefore directly linked to the file and it is also possible to use the typical research and grouping functions of a database, with the benefit of maintenance time being reduced to zero. NCFileExplorer also allows the management of file versions, which is a typical function of PDM products, thus allowing the storage of later versions of programs, so as to avoid data being lost.













NCFileManager integrates the information storage functions in a single panel, which allows to:
  • display a preview of the selected ISO program
  • customise properties so as to allow the insertion of images and attachments
  • search for programs by means of properties and/or file text 
  • send documents to managing applications (Editor, Processor, MultiCOM...)
  • Import properties from TOOL2000 part program or ISO program 
  • create reports related to machining
  • carry out file versioning with possible recovery of overwritten versions
  • Functions by user level
  • CheckIn/CheckOut management

Perfect compatibility

NCFileExplorer is perfectly integrated in TOOL2000 product line with which it shares the stored information. It is possible to act directly on the information from the applications by using it for search, edit and reference; each application also cares for managing some information automatically, giving the chance to know which application has edited a particular document, in which date it was edited and version number. NCFileExplorer is more seamlessly integrated with MultiCOM in the automatic management of document versioning. For each ISO file received from  the CNC, MultiCOM provides for  storing the previous version before overwriting the file. Through NCFile Explorer it will be possible to restore or remove stored versions. This function is extremely useful since it allows to restore files overwritten by mistake or to compare changes between versions.